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Guiding Parents of Struggling Learners: Navigating the Educational System with Insights from an Educational Psychologist

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Being a parent to a child facing academic challenges can be a daunting experience, and if you are a parent, I know this resonates with you or someone you know. When a parent begins to sense their child is struggling, whether it be academically, physically, behaviorally, socially, or emotionally, anxiety escalates. It heightens our worry, makes us less productive at work, and keeps us up at night. You might be thinking, is this ADHD? Does my child have a learning disability? Does this behavior seem like Autism Spectrum Disorder? Is my child anxious or depressed? As an educational psychologist, I understand the concerns you may have about your child’s struggles in school. My goal in the next few minutes is to provide guidance to help alleviate fears. From understanding the signs to collaborating with educators, here are insights to help you navigate this journey and support your child effectively.

  1. Recognizing Signs of Struggle:

The first step in addressing your child’s academic, emotional, social, and/or behavioral challenges is recognizing the signs. Keep an eye out for changes in behavior, declining grades, frustration with homework, or reluctance to attend school. These indicators may suggest underlying learning difficulties that need attention. Trust your instincts as a parent, and if you sense something is amiss, it’s essential to explore the root causes.

  1. Open Communication with Teachers:

Initiate open and honest communication with your child’s teachers. They can provide valuable insights into your child’s academic performance, behavior in the classroom, and interactions with peers. Collaborating with teachers allows you to gain a better understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses and can be the first step toward finding solutions.

  1. Seeking a Comprehensive Evaluation:

If your child’s struggles persist and you notice they are beginning to have a considerable impact, consider requesting a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation. This evaluation, typically conducted by educational psychologists, assesses various aspects of your child’s learning, including cognitive abilities, academic skills, and social-emotional development. It provides a holistic view that can guide personalized interventions and support, such as reading intervention, executive function coaching, mental health counseling, and more. You can seek an evaluation at public expense by referring your child for an evaluation in your local school district. Evaluations conducted at public schools are geared toward determining whether the needs are significant enough to warrant special education services. However, if special education services may not be applicable to your child or you are seeking to deeply understand your child’s multifaceted learning profile, that’s where a diagnostic evaluation at Mind by Design can help.

  1. Understanding Individual Learning Styles:

An evaluation can unveil valuable information about your child’s individual learning style. Understanding how your child learns best empowers you to advocate for tailored teaching strategies and accommodations that suit their unique needs. This insight can be a game-changer in unlocking your child’s potential and facilitating a more positive learning experience, whether your child is in public or private school.

  1. Collaborating on an Action Plan:

Once you have a clearer understanding of your child’s learning profile, work collaboratively with educators and specialists to develop an action plan. This plan may include personalized interventions, accommodations, or targeted support services. Regularly review and adjust the plan based on your child’s progress, ensuring a dynamic and responsive approach to their evolving needs. A plan like this can be developed in the school setting and can incorporate community specialists if needed.

As a parent of a struggling learner, navigating the educational system can be challenging but not insurmountable. By recognizing signs of struggle, fostering open communication with teachers, seeking a comprehensive evaluation, understanding your child’s learning style, and collaboratively developing an action plan, you can provide the necessary support for your child’s academic journey. Remember, you are not alone in this process, and with informed decision-making, patience, and advocacy, you can make a significant impact on your child’s educational success and overall well-being. If you don’t know where to start, need personalized guidance, or just need a friendly and knowledgeable ear to help alleviate some worry and point you in the right direction, don’t hesitate to reach out to my clinic, Mind by Design. In addition to psycho-educational evaluations, we offer speech and language evaluations and therapy, academic tutoring, executive function coaching, and parent coaching. At Mind by Design, we’re here for your children and for you as their caring and supportive parents.

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